Jesuits & Philosophy: The appointed first
Jesuit Pope Francis is a talking puppet for the real leader, The Black Pope and
the sacred ‘army of shadows’. Source:
Vatican Assassins - Eric Jon Phelps - The Black Pope Peter Hans
Kolvenbach directs the worldwide coven of the Jesuits. While some claim the
moniker refers to the order’s Star Wars (Darth Vader) garb, its leader actually
pulls the pope’s strings. Yes, the man known as the Black Pope controls all
major decisions made by the Pope and he in turn controls the Illuminati. This
group goes back to the days of ENLIL: Baal & Babylon. The Roman Inquisition
has been secretly administered since 1542 by the Jesuits.
The Jesuit Order is an absolutely
satanic organization headed by the FALLEN ANGEL (ALIEN) LUCIFER and his earthly
minions. It is one of the most evil groups on the face of the Earth. The
Jesuits masquerade as honorable priests, but there is nothing honorable within their
souls. They are murderers, rapists, and demonic servants of Satan! The Sons of
Loyola have a huge DIVINE PLAN for World Domination. The Jesuits are an ancient
dark order of priests, cardinals, and bishops from the Society of Jesus and the
Holy Roman Catholic Empire of Vatican City.
"The Jesuits are a MILITARY
organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not
the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power
- power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power
to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the
Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms
- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuse." -Napoleon
Bonaparte; (1769-1821; emperor of the French)
Codeword Barbêlôn uncovers a
Jesuit plot so sinister that in the words of the ex-FBI Director, J. Edgar
Hoover: "The individual... coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so
monstrous, cannot believe it exists."
Codeword Barbêlôn puts the
spotlight on a global organization about which President Woodrow Wilson once
wrote: "the few who are aware of it, dare not speak above their breath
when they speak in condemnation of it."
"My history of the Jesuits
is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities,
[and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order's]
restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness,
cruelty, despotism, [and] death. … I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits.
If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in
hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola." - John Adams
(1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States)
"It is my opinion that if
the liberties of this country - the United States of America - are destroyed,
it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are
the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have
instigated MOST of the wars of Europe." - Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834;
French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under
the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.
The war [the American Civil War
of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of
the Jesuits."
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th
President of the United States
The American-Zionist-Nazi
collaboration, however suppressed it has been to the general public, is a little
known, but crucial, part of European history, one that continues to profoundly
shape and affect world events in the 21st Century. Hitler was helped to power
by prominent Jewish owned companies and many Wall Street firms. Jewish police
help round up everyday Jews, and hand them over to the Nazis so they can be
confined in concentration camps.
Adolf Eichmann spoke Yiddish and
visited the Zionists in Palestine many times. Eichmann, with Hitler's approval,
set up training camps in German occupied territory where the Irgun, or Israeli
storm troopers, were trained in anticipation of the takeover of Palestine,
which happened in 1948, three years after World War II.
"An association has been
formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishments
and overturning all existing governments ... the leaders would rule the World
with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the
ambition of their unknown superiors.” -- Proofs of a Conspiracy, by John
Robison, a professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland
and a member of a Freemason Lodge there, was invited to join the Illuminati.
After consideration he declined and in 1798 published Proofs of a Conspiracy.
The Jesuits or Society of Jesus
is a religious order of men called Jesuits, who follow the teachings of the
Catholic Church. Jesuit priests and brothers—also sometimes known colloquially
as "God's Marines" and as "The Company".
“We are now standing in the face
of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. Wide
circles of American society and wide circles of the Christian community do not
realize this fully.” ~ Malachi Martin, ex-Jesuit priest and former Vatican
The Society of Jesus, founded in
1540 by Ignatius of Loyola — a former Spanish soldier — is sometimes depicted
as an “army of shadows”. Most say the order controls everything from the
Vatican’s governing body, to Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama, to the United
Nations and the US banking system.
The purpose of the Society of
Jesus, established by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540 with a Papal Bull
titled Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (ROME), is to destroy every vestige of the
Protestant Reformation begun by Martin Luther in 1517. The Jesuits call this
“the Counter-Reformation." The majority of Christians, particularly
Protestants, hold to doctrines planted by the Jesuits during the
In seeking to destroy the
Protestant Reformation, the Professed Jesuits, after a fifteen-year education
and thirty-one years in the Order, have obligated themselves with an Oath known
as the Fourth Vow. Many Jesuits, however, are not Professed and therefore have
never been fully initiated into the evils of “the Company.” -- Eric Jon Phelps,
Vatican Assassins (pg. 88)
Protestants are “heretics” and
must be “exterminated from the face of the whole earth.” Rumors of the head of
the Society of Jesus’s influence in the Holy Land have led to the person who
occupies the post being nicknamed “black pope”.
Former Bishop Gerard Bouffard of
Guatemala said the Vatican is "the real spiritual controller" of the
Illuminati and New World Order while the Jesuits through the Black Pope, Jesuit
Gen. Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, actually control the Vatican hierarchy and the
Roman Catholic Church.
Bishop Bouffard, who left the
Church and is now a born again Christian living n Canada, based his conclusion
after working six years as a Vatican priest, assigned the task of passing
daily, sensitive correspondence between the Pope and the leaders of the Jesuit
Order residing at Borgo Santo Spirito 5 near St. Peter's Square.
"Yes, the man known as the
Black Pope controls all major decisions made by the Pope and he in turn
controls the Illuminati," said Bouffard on Greg Szymanski's radio show.
May Day, was considered by several cultures as an important holiday especially
in occult circles, due to celestial alignments. In Illuminati lore, it is
regarded as the second most important day of the year. In fact, the Order of
the Bavarian Illuminati was founded on May 1st 1776. And Hitler's death was
announced on May 1, 1945.
In Europe, it is called the
Beltane festival, an ancient Gaelic celebration of sexuality, fertility…and
blood sacrifices.
Remember Barak Obama’s statement
on the evening of May 1st was one of triumph and celebration. He claimed that,
with the death of Osama Bin Laden, “justice was served”. The media spin
following the announcement was equally as celebratory: “It is a great day for
America and the world”…”
So, on May 1st, the death of Bin
Laden was announced with triumph and jubilation. Through CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and
FOX, millions of television viewers have rejoiced at the death of man the same
way ancient Sumerians rejoiced at the offering of a human sacrifice to Baal. In
a dumbed-down, politicized and “Illuminati-sed” version of the Beltraine
Festival, the masses have celebrated the ritual sacrifice of a man and, without
even realizing it, have partook in the Illuminati’s most important holiday.
“In order for the Zionist
interests to generate enough world opinion to force a Zionist State into
existence, it was necessary to sacrifice a large number of lower class Jewish
people. To make it believable, it had to be done by an Aryan Super Race German
Government in which the Chancellor, Adolph Hitler operating in concert with the
programming of his [Jewish] genes, was a willing party to the scheme.” --
Jewish Occultist Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party “persecuted” lesser Jews as
pretext for creation of state of ‘Israel’.
The orginis of the Beltane
festival can be traced back to the celebration of the Sumerian God Enlil –
known as Baal. The name Beltane (pronounced “B’yal-t’n”) is said to originate
from the word Baal. The Beltane festival was celebrated in ways greatly similar
to ancient Baal rituals.
“Supposedly, animal sacrifices
would be made each Beltane to ensure the fertility of their crops, however,
every five years the Highland Celts would sacrifice humans, the numbers being
made up of convicted criminals and prisoners of war. They would be sacrificed
by the Druids, though the manner of their death would vary. Many were
supposedly shot with arrows, but descriptions of Gaulish Celt ceremonies have
them being burnt alive in huge wicker men.” - Mysterious Britain
It is one those news where we
we’ll all remember where we were when we first heard it”…The entire “event” is
artificially inflated, glorified and exaggerated.
The Talibans were formed and
recruited in the late 70′s by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the United States National
Security Advisor of Jimmy Carter, in order to repel Russian forces from
Afghanistan (Brzezinski is today Obama’s main policy advisor). Bin Laden was
trained by the CIA to fight the Communists.
Since the fall of the USSR, Bin
Laden and his Taliban served a new agenda: the invasion of key middle-eastern
countries under the guise of a “war on terror”. In 2001, about 15 minutes after
the second plane hit the WTC, the image of Bin Laden was shown on television.
He become the ideal patsy on which the Bush Administration’s could blame its
false flag operation.
It is in times like these that a
line is drawn between critical thinkers and those who get side swiped by media
sh*t storms. Between those who understand the complexity of a situation like me
and those ignorant sheep who’d rather not know. Between those who know about
the scumbags and underlying motives of the people in power and those who go
outside chanting “USA! USA!”.
The society’s most famous motto —
Perinde ac cadaver (Obey as a dead body obeys) — has also fueled speculation.
The rumors are based on “Jesuit self-discipline, their total submission, their
rules on secrecy and their utter obedience to the pope,” said Henri Tincq,
former Vatican expert for French daily Le Monde.
The society was also feared by
some in past centuries for its “desire to influence the bourgeoise elites, who
were handpicked and groomed” in special schools, he said.
As a result of the popularity of
Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, many have come to view the Freemasons as the
lineal heirs of the Knights Templar, but other conspiracy theorists ascribe
that role to the Jesuits, while others still place all three under the same
umbrella, loosely or otherwise.
The earliest recorded Jesuit
conspiracy theories are found in the Monita secreta, an early 17th-century
document that alleged that the Jesuits were trying to gain wealth in illicit
ways. Criticisms relate to the predominant role of the Jesuits in the
colonization of the New World, and to their involvement with indigenous
peoples, alleging that Jesuits may willingly have contributed to the
assimilation and extermination of indigenous nations.
Jesuits often focused on the
personality of Adam Weishaupt, a professor of law at a Jesuit school who went
on to found the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt was accused of
being the secret leader of the New World Order, and even of being the Devil
It was, however, largely confined
to political elites until the 1840s, when it entered the popular imagination
through the writings of the historians Jules Michelet and Edgar Quinet of the
Collège de France, who declared "la guerre aux jesuites", and the
novelist Eugène Sue, who in his best-seller Le Juif errant depicted the Jesuits
as a "secret society bent on world domination by all available
means". Sue's heroine, Adrienne de Cardoville, said that she could not
think about Jesuits "without ideas of darkness, of venom and of nasty
black reptiles being involuntarily aroused in me".
Jesuit haters found fertile soil
in Imperial Germany, where anti-Jesuits saw the order as a sinister and
extremely powerful organization characterized by strict internal discipline,
utter unscrupulousness in choice of methods, and undeviating commitment to the
creation of a universal empire ruled by the Papacy.
Augustin Barruel, a conservative
Jesuit historian, wrote at length about Weishaupt, claiming that the Illuminati
had been the secret promoters of the French Revolution. Many anti-Jesuit
conspiracy theories emerged in the 18th century Enlightenment, as a result of
an alleged rivalry between the Freemasons and the Jesuits. Intellectual attacks
on Jesuits were seen as an efficient rebuttal to the anti-masonry promoted by
conservatives, and this ideological conspiracy pattern persisted into the 19th
century as an important component of French anti-clergy.
In the 1930s, Jesuit stories were
made use of by the Nazi regime with the goal of reducing the influence of the
Jesuits, who ran secondary schools and engaged in youth work. A propaganda
pamphlet, "The Jesuit: The Obscurantist without a Homeland" by Hubert
Hermanns, warned against the Jesuits' "dark power" and
"mysterious intentions". Declared "public vermin"
[Volksschädlinge] by the Nazis, Jesuits were persecuted, interned, and
sometimes murdered.
Ancient beliefs and rituals are
an intricate part of today’s Illuminati’s occult practices. As their symbolism
and modus-operandi is slowly infused into society, their previously secret
rituals are conducted on a mass scale, where the general population is a clueless
witness and participant in their occult festivities.
Between 1555 and 1931 the Society
of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) was expelled from at least 83 countries, city
states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots
against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest
of repute [Thomas J. Campbell]. …Practically every instance of expulsion was
for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and
inciting to political insurrection.
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